Location: Archivio di Stato, Florence
Sub-Location: Mediceo avanti Principato, 498, fol. 498r-v
Type:Personal Letter
Transcription Author: Matteo Mazzalupi
Transcription Date: 2015-11-13
Published: yes
Publication Details: In course of publication by M. Mazzalupi.
Notes:The date on the verso, which is added in another hand is in the Florentine style ab incarnatione

Last modified 2015-11-17 14:08:55.569862+00:00

Camillo Vitelli writes to Piero de’Medici in support of Signorelli retaining a workshop in Cortona that he had been given by the Parte Guelfa

Dates: 2.3.1494
Magnifico Viro Petro de Medicis domino 1493 Da Camillo Vitelli Adi 9 di marzo