Location: Archivio dell’Opera del Duomo, Orvieto
Sub-Location: Camerari, 1501-16
Type:Institutional account book
Transcription Author: Dugald McLellan
Transcription Date: 2011-03-16
Published: yes
Publication Details: Published by D.E. McLellan, Luca Signorelli’s Last Judgement Fresco Cycle at Orvieto: An Interpretation of the Fears and Hopes of the Comune and People of Orvieto at a Time of Reckoning, unpublished doctoral thesis, Melbourne University, 1992, no. 403 and McLellan 2004, doc. 11, p. 277.

Last modified 2011-03-16 17:17:51.346679+00:00

Antonio de Pietrasanta paid for preparatory plastering in the Magdalene Chapel of the Cappella Nova, Orvieto

Dates: 20.7.1504
Item solvisse magistro Antonio de Pietrasanta pro arricciatura cappelle sancte Marie Madalene lib 1 sol. 13